Thursday, September 13, 2007

Prayer Request from Wales

Some of you may know that some of the youth from Elvaton went on a missions trip to Wales two summers ago. This is an email that he sent to our church family earlier this week. Please pray for Brandon.


Good morning,

It's not often I send a prayer request to you all. Perhaps I should. But this one is so special. Let me explain.

As most of you know the majority of people in Abertillery do not believe in God. Many of them that acknowledge there is a god, hate him and blame him for every bad thing that has ever happened. The parents of the boy I am about to tell you about are the "God hater" types.

Brandon James is celebrating his 8th birthday today, September 11th. Brandon has never come to church or Holiday Bible Club or anything like that. The only time he ever saw me was through the local school when I would be there to speak at assemblies.

About 4 weeks ago this healthy young boy was on holiday with his parents in the caravan. He went out to play with the children and he fell down and could not get up by himself. His mother went to him and he was not able to use his left arm or leg, they were just limp. As she spoke with him his right eye crossed. They took him to the local hospital where he was immediately transferred to a more specialised hospital. After a series of scans the doctors found a tumour on his brain stem. The tentacles of the tumour had already spread through his brain. His parents now take him every morning to a hospital 60 miles away to receive radiation and chemotherapy. The doctors told this parents after 30 days of treatment Brandon may have 6 months of a fairly normal life and then in the blink of an eye the tumour will come back with avengance and that will be the end.

The reason I told you about his parents and how Brandon knew me, is because he asked his mom and dad if they would contact Pastor Bob so I could visit him. I did that last week and he was too tired to talk. His words were all slurred and he couldn't keep his eyes open. While I prayed for him he was attentive. I am going to his 8th birthday party tonight and his parents have agreed to phone me at anytime when he is not so tired as before.

The parents don't want to hear about God, they say He is cruel for what He is doing to Brandon.

Now the Request. Please, please pray for such a miraculous healing of the boy that he would be able to live a normal life and grow up to love and serve the Lord. Pray that through his healing that the parents and the rest of the family may come to place their faith in Jesus. This is a desperate need. Please ask others to pray also.Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Bless you,


Anonymous said...

i feel really bad for the little boy i will be praying for him

Unknown said...

i hope he feels better too