Thank you everyone that has been praying for Angela's case. For those of you who do not know. Angela is my sister and she was in a pretty bad accident in June, where she could have lost her life. The officer, following the law, gave her a ticket. And she had a court date on Thursday morning. She was quite scared because she thought she could go to jail. But she got there and she took pictures of her car, which by the way looks like a total mess, and her driving record. She showed the judge the pictures of her car and her driving record and explained she didn't know what happened and that she thought it was a malfunction with her car. The judge looked at her, after reading the letter that we wrote for missing her court date in July because of the loss of my father, and said something to the sort of: you are a very lucky girl. She quietly said, "I know" and the judge said that with everything else that happened that he did not feel that she needed anymore. Her case was dismissed and she does not have to worry about it ever haunting her in the legal sense again. Thanks so much for praying. That is one less thing that we have to worry about.
Heather King
Heather King
All I have to say is PRAISE GOD! He is SO good! I'm always praying for your family Heather. I KNOW He watches over us all the time!
wow. heather, and to all the kind family. im really glad that the charges were dropped!!! mary's right, praise GOD! and i think heather gave alot of good advice out tonight (9/12/07). i also am very proud of heather (and the rest of the family) for doing so well, although im sure you still have bad days. know that i am praying for you. god bless
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