Thursday, September 27, 2007
Weekend, What Weekend?
...weekends become all about doing things you didn't get done during the week
...summer is lost when you have to work EVERY DAY...YUCK!
...all nighter's... forget it... you're tired for days really are ready for bed early!
That's only a few...
Another Brandon Update
I had a real nice visit with Brandon today. His parents agreed to bring him to a Baptism service on Oct. 6th and possibly Sunday School. Brandon requested both of these and right now the parents are trying to do everything he wants.
I spoke with his Dad yesterday and hid Mom and Dad today. I can sense a slight softening in their hearts towards God.
Keep Praying.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Moral of the story...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Update on Brandon!
Good Morning All,
Just a short note about Brandon. He is going through his Chemo and radiation now. Last week he was very sick because of it. However, he is better this week. I was with his Dad today. We were setting up a bank account for the funds that have been raised to purchase an electric wheel chair for him and hopefully we will be able to raise enough to send him to Disney Land in Paris also.
The people here are very generous. We will be having a concert in our church on the 1st of October to help raise funds also.
His Dad, David, and I spoke about his funeral arrangements. As I said in my prayer requst, Brandon's mom and Dad are atheists and want nothing to do with God. As we spoke about the funeral Dave (his Dad) said he would like to have it at our church but he wanted a humanist funeral. I told him that I would only do a Christian funeral. This opened the door to start to talk about Jesus. He was still very cold but in the course of the conversation, he said, in a very humble way, that he knew people around the world were praying for Brandon and if God healed him he waould have to rethink his position about God.
I will be with Brandon on Thursday. Prayerfully he will be strong enough to meet with me.
Please continue to pray for Brandon and the family.
Trusting in Christ,
Monday, September 24, 2007
If you want to vote for #6, you have to email me or comment somewhere and let me know...
Click here to see the pictures!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Voting issues
The voting thing will only let me put five choices on, so here's what we're going to do. If you want to vote for gum sculpture #6, leave a comment somewhere telling me so, or shoot me an email letting me know.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Blog updates!
Prayer Requests 9/19
- Ryan's Leg (not broken!)
- Courtney and Brandi's softball team
- Miss Dianne's hand and chest
- Damien and Patrick's football team
- Mr. Keith's friend's family
- Marcus's concussion
- The Della Family
- Brandi
- Haley's itchiness
- Praise for Mary's car
- Praise that Tyler is home
- Praise that Nate's grandmother can have the surgery she needs
- Praise for Patrick's new helmet
VOTE for your favorite GUM SCULPTURE!
#4 - Tree
#5 - Bush
#6 - Pumpkin and Candy
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
UPDATE: Ryan's X-rays came back and there was no fracture! It's a little hard to walk, but they say he'll be fine very soon.
Like Summer is Now Good Night, States!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Movie Night Friday September 28!
Click HERE for the flyer and more information!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Prayer Requests 9/16/07
Prayer Requests
Robert's Grades
Matt's truck's A/C
Dave's family as his grandmother died
Andy's sickness
Alex's game Friday vs. Meade
Alex's leg
Adam's allergies
King family
Alex's team won game vs. Broadneck
Andy's new car
Mary's car fixed for free
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Krazy Kitties
I'm glad you asked! This year our church is putting on a fall carnival for our community. Since it's FOR the community, we need to TELL the community about it! We're making up some really cool flyers and we need YOU to come help us deliver them! We'll hop in cars after church on Sunday September 23, (probably around 1:00 or so since we're going to eat first) and then drive around putting flyers in doors about the carnival! We did this last year with bags for canned goods, but this year it will be even easier because it's just a piece of paper!
"What's in it for me?"
I'm glad you asked! PIZZA!!!! We'll feed you first, the set you loose!... well, not that loose... anyway, if you have questions, let me know... my email is on the top right of the blog page!
Prayer Request from Wales
Good morning,
It's not often I send a prayer request to you all. Perhaps I should. But this one is so special. Let me explain.
As most of you know the majority of people in Abertillery do not believe in God. Many of them that acknowledge there is a god, hate him and blame him for every bad thing that has ever happened. The parents of the boy I am about to tell you about are the "God hater" types.
Brandon James is celebrating his 8th birthday today, September 11th. Brandon has never come to church or Holiday Bible Club or anything like that. The only time he ever saw me was through the local school when I would be there to speak at assemblies.
About 4 weeks ago this healthy young boy was on holiday with his parents in the caravan. He went out to play with the children and he fell down and could not get up by himself. His mother went to him and he was not able to use his left arm or leg, they were just limp. As she spoke with him his right eye crossed. They took him to the local hospital where he was immediately transferred to a more specialised hospital. After a series of scans the doctors found a tumour on his brain stem. The tentacles of the tumour had already spread through his brain. His parents now take him every morning to a hospital 60 miles away to receive radiation and chemotherapy. The doctors told this parents after 30 days of treatment Brandon may have 6 months of a fairly normal life and then in the blink of an eye the tumour will come back with avengance and that will be the end.
The reason I told you about his parents and how Brandon knew me, is because he asked his mom and dad if they would contact Pastor Bob so I could visit him. I did that last week and he was too tired to talk. His words were all slurred and he couldn't keep his eyes open. While I prayed for him he was attentive. I am going to his 8th birthday party tonight and his parents have agreed to phone me at anytime when he is not so tired as before.
The parents don't want to hear about God, they say He is cruel for what He is doing to Brandon.
Now the Request. Please, please pray for such a miraculous healing of the boy that he would be able to live a normal life and grow up to love and serve the Lord. Pray that through his healing that the parents and the rest of the family may come to place their faith in Jesus. This is a desperate need. Please ask others to pray also.Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Bless you,
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Angela's Case was Dismissed!
Heather King
Prayer Requests 9/9/07
Here are the prayer requests from Sunday School this morning.
- Robert's bug bites and getting better grades this year
- Amy Ross's family
- Mary's car
- Alex's parents to have a safe trip home
- King Family
- Praise for Angela - all charges were dropped
- Praise for Matt's new futon and AbLounge?
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Corn Maze!
The date will be September 29 with a rain date of October 6. Afterwards, as long as all goes well, we're planning on having a bonfire back at Elvaton! Hope you can join us!
Prayer Requests 9/5/07
- Amy Ross's family (car accident)
- Angela's court date
- Kayla's finger smash and braces
- William's grandmother's back
- Brianna's brother possibly going to Afghanistan with the Navy
- Nate's grandma's surgery
- Ryan's family - safe travel to O.C.
- Mrs. Laine
- Ramsey family
- King family
Goldfish Swim in Peanut Butter
For those of you that missed our first youth group of the school year, we had some fun with peanut butter to say the least. Did you know that Goldfish stick to peanut butter really well? Well William, Kayla, and Sam know that all too well... We had a contest to see who could come up with the most creative way to decorate a face with peanut butter and goldfish...
William... what a trooper... his team decided that he should look like a pirate... ARRRGGGHHHH!
Honestly, I can't remember what Kayla was supposed to be, but they were pretty creative...
And finally Sam... I think Sam won the "it took me a half an hour to get this stuff off my face" award...
So do you think they'll be smelling peanut butter for the rest of the week?