Just a quick note on what God is doing through your prayers.
1. His electric wheel chair. His parents needed $3,500 to purchase the chair. They had collected just over 1,400. I pprayed that somehow through our small congregation God would provide the balance ot the money needed. This would have to be of God as our church members have barely enough to live on. Today I delivered the money that was received in an offering during a concert in our church. $2,084. Brandon will have his chair on wednesday. Praise God!!
2. I prayed that his parents would allow him to be baptized. Remember his parents are atheists. Brandon is the only one in his family that believes in God. Brandon will be baptized this Sunday. But wait. His Dad will be in the water with me as I baptize his son. That's not all. His whole family will be in church that night and hear the gospel, approx. 30 of them. Praise God again and again!
My prayer is that the family will see a miracle on Sunday. God is able. The bible states that the purpose of miracles is to authentic God's message and His love.
I don't know what God will do in this but He has been doing amazing things throughout the short time we have been praying for Brandon.
Will Brandon's eye straighten while he's in the waters?
Will Brandon walk out of the water? Something he is unable to do because f the tumor.
Will God melt that tumor?
Will his Dad accept Jesus and be baptized while he's in the water with Brandon?
Only God knows.
Only God is able.
Our part is to pray. Thank you all for your prayers.
Love in the Mighty Name of Jesus!
Pastor Bob
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